
The history command (Journaling)

Since version 1.9, it is possible to use history/jounaling within grads. The best to see how it works is by examples:

ga-> history myhis.txt to save the commands in "myhis.txt" as typed, i.e., no extra quotes
ga-> history myhis.gs to save the commands in "myhis.gs" with single quotes
ga-> history displays the current history with command numbers
ga-> history 21 37 displays command commands 21 to 37
ga-> history 21 37 myfile.gs saves commands 21 to 37 to "myfile.gs"
ga-> repeat 17 re-execute command 17
ga-> repeat 21 37 re-executes most (*) commands 21 through 37, i.e., skipping "History" and
"repeat" comands to avoid an infinite command execution loop.
ga-> print myplot.eps" to write an eps file myplot.eps, the current history will be saved as
comment in the EPS output, to help you figure out how you produce a particular plot

Valid shortcuts are "his" for "history" and "r" for "repeat"

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